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Zen & the Art of Washing Dishes
They say life is a series of imperfect facts with many things we can’t control.
But the sequence of washing dishes is not one of them.
Glassware first.
Now this is not a creatively devoid affair.
The number of liquid drops can create a level of foaminess commensurate with your mood.
Use a natural agent if possible, as this will affect the outcome and the pleasure. Playfulness can be created with extra drops.
This will manifest a thing of awe — a galaxy of frothing and popping little planets.
It takes great maturity to be childlike, so add more drops and make a Grand Meringue or a mousse of suds.
Plunge a saturated cloth into the depths of a drinking glass.
Work along the inner sides and bottom, rub the handle and base.
Under a stream of warm water, employ the Tai-chi of the wrist.
Your grace and efficiency will dislodge any particles of detergent at minimal water expense.
Press the cloth — be gentle but firm — around the rim of a wine glass.
This is a ceremonial circumnavigation that pays respect to an extraordinary vessel of conversation and communion.